
From Milliongenerations
Revision as of 03:12, 14 September 2008 by MGxWikiSysop (talk | contribs) (add disturbing, other)
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What are the risks of

No one can find a viable solution or inspiring ideas that help civilization to persist

If we fail to find a viable solution for civilization to persist, someone else may.

Someone could find a dreadful solution or try to influence civilization to the disadvantage of others

Any ideas put forward would still have to be implemented.

Someone could prove that long term civilization is infeasible

If that was true, what would change? None of us will live here forever anyway. And we could better appreciate the gift we have.

Someone could write things that are illegal or submit copyrighted work

Prosecution from authorities could result. Stay within the laws that apply to you! See the Disclaimer. Do not submit copyrighted work without permission!

The information displayed on this site could be offensive, disturbing or distressing for readers

Please don't read the contents of this site if you are unstable or easily offended or too young. Check the disclaimer. When contributing, please seek the truth, choose appropriate wording and follow the guidelines!

Other risks

Other risks may exist. Please add and explain.