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An archive of old tweets by @millionGen (irregularly updated, check the original for an up to date version):
- Jan 3 2015 Let's build a device that converts fuel to food …
- Jan 3 2015 Congratulations! May @LongplayerNow always be heard. RT @LongplayerNow: Longplayer 15 years old today!
- milliongenerations retweeted Gates Foundation @gatesfoundation · Jul 29 2014 Want to save lives? Build toilets. (via @TheEconomist)
- Jul 29, 2014 Which future can stand the test of time?
- Mar 15, 2014 Let's build a device that converts fuel to food /wiki/index.php?title=Milliongenerations:Fuel_to_food …
- Jan 20, 2014 RT @WhileyAndrew: Legendary Australian cartoonist Ron Tandberg does it again. #energy #renewable #cleantech
- Jan 19, 2014 RT @ShaunFrankson: The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it. - Robert Swan
- Jan 19, 2014 RT @gatesfoundation: "By almost any measure, the world is better off now than it has ever been before."
- milliongenerations retweeted Long Now @longnow · Jan 18, 2014 Our @rosettaproject is in space! Learn more today @exploratorium's @ESA_Rosetta event … 1pm in San Francisco + webcast
- Jan 12, 2014 RT @pvloemans: Nieuw! Op @HardHoofd een bewerkt hoofdstuk uit mijn boek 'Survivalgids voor het Consumptieparadijs' …
- Jan 5, 2014 No happiness on the moon RT @NUtblog: Op de maan is geen geluk (NUtviews #2) @LettersvanU
- milliongenerations retweeted John Preskill @preskill · 13 Sep 2013 Vol. 1 of the Feynman Lectures on Physics now available for free in html! Thanks, Mike Gottlieb and Rudi Pfeiffer.
- 12 Sep 2013 How could information become aware of itself?
- 12 Sep 2013 Are we really made of star stuff? 'We' and 'I' might well be information rather than stuff.
- 14 Aug 13 RT @treyka: "Politics is not a search for truth." --Ed Felten #sec13
- 14 Aug RT @bewastewise: "Waste-to-Energy is still incineration. The big Waste of energy is to replace all the destroyed resources" @blindspotting
- 14 Aug RT @inter_gen: Calling all Teachers: IF Essay Comp in assoc with @NewStatesman Win £250 of library... Tell students: …
- 20 Jul @LettersvanU You could commit the ! to the initiative started in 2013 that proved most beneficial, determined by those living in, say 2063
- 19 Jul What should @LettersvanU do with the exclamation mark 14 September (Letter 716)? Auction for good cause? Reward an action or cause?
- 14 Jul Our responsibility is to do what we can, learn what we can, improve the solutions, and pass them on. ~Richard Feynman …
- 14 Jul RT @terrafiniti: Humanity is a common endeavour – evolving sustainability governance
- 14 Jul Construction updates? @longnow The cuckoo only comes out on the millennium, so not a lot of tweets. @RossSchulman: No account for the clock?
- 12 Jul Long Now @longnow The cuckoo only comes out on the millennium, so not a lot of tweets. MT @RossSchulman: No account for the clock? Retweeted by milliongenerations
- 24 Jun Green Life @GreenLifeNews Einfach mal die Welt retten…10 Empfehlungen von Harald Welzer: was Sie sofort tun können! … #Klimawandel #weltretten Retweeted by milliongenerations
- 8 Jun Either way, consciousness is the best use of energy. (more precisely: of an increase of entropy).
- 8 Jun Is consciousness matter being aware of itself? Or rather information being aware of itself?
- 3 Jun RT @the_wrangler: My #1 takeaway from #asle13: Isn't it ironic that the humanities are diminishing in the Anthropocene?
- 1 Jun James Greyson @blindspotting C2C is a brilliant idea. Impact is limited by running it as consultancy rather than a replacement economic growth model. @drsearotmann Retweeted by milliongenerations
- 2 Jun What is not impossible is a matter of time.
- 28 May Future and waste are mutually exclusive.
- 9 May RT @tempo: "I don't know a single truly creative mind who is a news junkie...' An argument for skipping the news. …
- 9 May Congrats @inter_gen with IF Film Competition! RT @inter_gen: @inter_gen congrats ... winning doc film
- 9 May Watch! RT @inter_gen: Dorothy and Nikki explain why they made their winning documentary film for @inter_gen here: …
- 6 May dumping your waste in the river is fine as long as you don’t think too much about the people downriver ~ Brian Eno …
- 6 May New long term thinking project: RT @longnow: Brian Eno writes to @nntaleb for the first @Longplayernow Letter - …
- 27 Apr Longplayer @LongplayerNow The Artangel Longplayer Letters launch on Monday, the first letter is from Brian Eno to Nassim Nicholas Taleb … Retweeted by milliongenerations
- 25 Apr @LettersvanU it probably is. What will remain the longest? Letters on paper, letters in stone, or digital letters? #keepitlegible
- 22 Apr RT @WaarInUtrecht: #WiU-343: (via @DickSijtsma). Weet jij waar de foto is gemaakt? DM en win een ijsje van @ijsgek!
- 22 Apr Future and waste are mutually exclusive
- 9 Apr IDEAS CITY @IDEASCITY What if we eliminated the concept of waste? Find out in another May 2 panel, moderated by @JonathanFPRose! #IDEASCITY Retweeted by milliongenerations
- 21 Apr RT @treyka: Can we just forget about terrorism and have a war on entropy instead?
- 19 Apr Interesting: predictable choices are free? RT @philoquotes: A man has free choice to the extent that he is rational. ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas
- 16 Apr RT @sdoowamme: 'The future is not likely to be likely' @Eaterofsun on top form at #futureofnature
- 15 Apr RT @jemfiner: Cheer Up ! happy: via @youtube
- 14 Apr RT @robintransition: Ew. No. Really?
- 11 Apr How little has changed! RT @blindspotting: In 1988: RT @twit2face7: Dr. James Hansen was the first to warn of ...
- 11 Apr RT @cityofsound: "It's easier to ship recipes than cakes and biscuits." - John Maynard Keynes, via @AlistairParvin #fabrica #lectures
- 10 Apr RT @philoquotes: The possible ranks higher than the actual. ~ Martin Heidegger
- 26 Mar RT @whitsquared: Hey, Dutchie friends! Here is an article about one of our current projects at @longnow. …
- 24 Mar RT @philoquotes: Human Nature is the only science of man; and yet has been hitherto the most neglected. ~ David Hume
- 23 Mar Stewart Brand's 01999 book 'The Clock of the Long Now': long term thinking remains. Still unfashionable. Still up-to-date. Always vital.
- 1 Mar @LettersvanU let it be diamonds under the soles of their shoes! Video by @NUtblog …
- 11 Feb RT @praptism: So many legends. I hope they continue to be remembered by future generations. #Grammys
- 11 Feb RT @machielg: Stone masons would leave notes in their walls for future masons. What do you leave in your code for future generations?
- 11 Feb RT @Langnauerin: @HansRamseier Egal, ob es so weitergeht, wie wir meinen. Wir haben eine Verantwortung für zukünftige Generationen.
- 3 Feb Professor Tim Lang @ProfTimLang Progress is living within the planet. US living needs 5 planets = WalMartworld, Europe 3 planets =Tescoworld.Progress? … Retweeted by milliongenerations
- 2 Feb How can there be most happiness? How will there be most happiness? Different questions, perspectives. Which will be more useful?
- 2 Feb RT @LongplayerNow: Longplayer Live London 2009 : 1000 seconds by Longplayer New HD version
- 2 Feb The new poet of the endless poem: Mark Boog RT @LettersvanU: De nieuwe dichter der Letters van Utrecht: Mark Boog!
- 2 Feb RT @longnow: NASA's predictions of 02013 solar storm activity (built on 350 years' worth of "Long Data"): …
- 27 Jan RT @PerriSutton: How do you think we should improve the world for the next generation? Tell @BillGates your hope for 2030. #myhope2030
- 23 Jan Great! 24-1 Athens: hope it looks way beyond the current issues RT @NikosKaratsoris: @millionGen THE FUTURE OF MONEY, …
- 12 Jan nc arkesteijn @ncarkesteijn Vandaag is tegenover Oudegracht 309 letter 681 geplaatst, de T, waardoor er niet langer grach staat maar gracht, (..) | Retweeted by milliongenerations
- 5 Jan 2013 Paula maakt nu Letter 680 H voor Ari van Vliet bij Oudegracht 309. …
- 31 Dec 2012 RT @sebpaquet: A civilization is built on what is required of men, not on that which is provided for them. - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
- 31 Dec RT @MicroChar: Want a €50k prize for your low-tech green solution? Enter @emp_ppl_award competition by end Jan 2013.
- 26 Dec the system reflects the choices we make RT @RobbertVesseur: Het systeem is de spiegel van de keuzes die we maken.
- 26 Dec On earth "at the last" ~ 5 bn yrs? RT @philoquotes: Must not all things at the last be swallowed up in death? ~ Plato
- 23 Dec Lasting civilization is sustainable by definition, inevitably resilient & cautious, and possible future interest limit its members' rights
- 22 Dec Why did the ability to read Mayan writing disappear about 1000 years ago (and why did population drop 90%)? Lessons to be learned?
- 22 Dec RT @philoquotes: To spend life for something which outlasts it. ~ William James
- 22 Dec @LettersvanU isn't doorgaan your purpose? RT @awjvdh: ... THE antidote against #endoftheworld ... blues: …
- 22 Dec RT @longnow: Welcome to the 14th Mayan B'ak'tun! Next tweet on this subject will be in 143,999 days.
- 10 Dec RT @Ecosnoop: Appropedia is a Wiki for helping build sustainable solutions in developing countries
- 10 Dec Dick Smith’s Wilberforce Award – $1 million to ...communicating an alternative to our ... growth-obsessed economy. …
- 10 Dec RT @wendyinfutures: Finally! An #X-Prize for a #vision of a #sustainable #future - only #under-30s need apply. ... …
- 5 Dec RT @PPS_Placemaking: "To seek causes of #poverty is [a] dead end, because poverty has no causes. Only prosperity has causes." -- #JaneJacobs
- 5 Dec RT @filminginkent: 16-30 year old filmmakers enter @inter_gen @nusuk @guardian short film competition and win £1k ...
- 4 Dec 'environmental melancholia' RT @DarkOptimism: ...excellent @Guardian piece on 'climate change ignorers': …
- 4 Dec RT @longnow: Jeff Bezos discusses why he is supporting the 10,000 Year Clock project
- 2 Dec A poem of time and hope: @LongplayerNow on @LettersvanU …
- 29 Nov RT @LongplayerNow: 1st bowl from 6th circle named, thank you ! More info about bowls, LP Live &... …
- 27 Nov Could arguments be more useful if we worried about results rather than our reputation? Sadly, anonymous fora no way to implement it.
- 8 Nov Jamais Cascio @cascio Once the political world latches onto global warming as a real problem, climate scientists will be accused of having underplayed the risk. Retweeted by milliongenerations
- 27 Nov Most letters contributed until year end. Next two still available. RT @LettersvanU: De laatste nog vrije Letters ...
- 27 Nov RT @jemfiner: Gustav Metzger: 'Destroy, and you create' via @guardian
- 27 Nov RT @bmf: Hey rich nerds! Let's fix the planet we have before trying to conquer another one, mmkay?
- 13 Nov Robbert Vesseur @RobbertVesseur "Behandel iemand zoals hij is, en hij blijft zoals hij is. Behandel hem zoals hij kan zijn en hij wordt wat hij kan zijn." Goethe Retweeted by milliongenerations
- 11 Nov How can there be most happiness?
- 11 Nov What if it were possible to pass on useful knowledge for as long as the earth exists?
- 11 Nov What is the best use of energy?
- 11 Nov How many kinds of humans are on this planet?
- 10 Nov RT @philosophytweet: "The possible ranks higher than the actual." Martin Heidegger
- 10 Nov RT @whitsquared: Mutually Assured Distraction
- 19 Oct The difference between art and material is information. Where do we come to if art is destroyed for its material value? …
- 9 Oct RT@dvs: @sebpaquet That's why I have a hard time getting behind protests. I'd rather protest Bucky Fuller style. Go to work on something new
- 9 Oct Philosophy Tweets @philosophytweet “A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.” ― Francis Bacon Retweeted by milliongenerations
- 9 Oct @LettersvanU how about it? RT @rocknrolltweets: I'm an artist and that means I can be as egotistical as I want to be. Lou Reed
- 4 Oct Let ideas enable life.
- 4 Oct How can there be most happiness?
- 26 Sep RT @longnow: The Earth, Circa 100 Million CE:
- 26 Sep RT @jemfiner: Grantham, Friday, in conversation with inspirational cosmologist Prof Pedro Ferreira @Gravityfields …
- 26 Sep Ethics for a broken world, by Tim Mulgan: what will they think of us, our convictions and institutions? …
- 25 Sep RT @DickSijtsma: Hoe verder je bent, hoe beter #030 Doe mee, ook als je niet uit Utrecht komt
- 25 Sep RT @philoquotes: What nobler employment,or more valuable to the state,than that of the man who instructs the rising generation? ~ Cicero
- 18 Sep RT @Revkin: I liked a @YouTube video Summit on Resilience - Part 1
- 17 Sep Win a comma in 21 days - RT @LettersvanU: Win een komma! Letter 102: ...hoe verder je bent, hoe beter... Nog 21 dagen! …
- 15 Sep All that is stored will in time be publicly known.
- 15 Sep Why collect the data?RT@EFF: New York judge puts @Twitter between a rock and a hard place. Either way, #privacy loses.
- 14 Sep Roger Fisher departed. One should think he got to yes.
- 14 Sep The only rational way to prepare for an end of civilization would be to stock lots of weapons and ammo. Let's not go there.
- 14 Sep Hey, what happened to @futuregens ? Future Generations should always remain.
- 14 Sep How would you behave if eventually you were to be reincarnated in every other person - present, past, and notably future?
- 10 Sep Consider future happiness! RT @philoquotes: If merely 'feeling good' could decide, drunkenness would be the supremely valid human experience
- 9 Sep Consciousness is the best use of energy. What does it take to convert oil or coal into food?
- 5 Sep deLettersvanUtrecht @LettersvanU Letter 663 a.s. zaterdag zoekt nog een sponsor. Word medeklinker! Deze letter begint een nieuw woord. RT ajb Retweeted by milliongenerations
- 4 Sep @LettersvanU can you disprove? RT @philoquotes: No poet or orator has ever existed who believed there was any better than himself. ~ Cicero
- 22 Aug 12 RT @sebpaquet: "Inspiring hope in a cynical world might be the most radical thing you can possibly do."Jacq. Novogratz …
- 19 Aug 12 RT @LettersvanU: "Because your future mattered to us today" - thank you Juliet & Ray! Letter _660 A …
- 18 Aug 12 deLettersvanUtrecht @LettersvanU Het derde woord begint vandaag, met "A". Komt kijken, 13u Oudegracht 309. Uw naam kan in deze steen geschreven staan! Retweeted by milliongenerations
- 18 Aug 12 An English speaking tour guide in Utrecht shows the making of the new letter of @LettersvanU to his group every Saturday
- 6 Aug 12 RT @nefwellbeing: Why we should focus on the links between #wellbeing and sustainability … (via @Wikiprogress)
- 5 Aug 12 CAN GO: two words written since June? No rush. You still have a long way to go! RT @LettersvanU: ... KUNNEN GAAN …
- 5 Aug 12 A backup of languages lasting thousands of years: @RosettaProject RT @longnow: Rosetta, A Documentary by Scott Oller:
- 5 Aug 12 1000 year long musical composition playing since end of 1999 @LongplayerNow: Film about Longplayer at the Lighthouse...
- 5 Aug 12 RT @LettersvanU: A first English translation of the poem of The Letters of Utrecht: … Please help to improve it!
- 3 Aug 12 RT @davidhodgson: Bhutan Aims to Be First Country With 100% Organic Agriculture |
- 3 Aug 12 deLettersvanUtrecht @LettersvanU Zomerdip? De Letter a.s. zaterdag is nog vrij! Het gedicht gaat verder: … Kunt u de letter raden? aub RT Retweeted by milliongenerations
- 28 Jul 12 RT @LettersvanU: 'het begrip "duurzaamheid" tastbaar maken': Rainond Nuvelstijn ... over De Letters van Utrecht …
- 21 Jul 12 RT @LettersvanU: Let's at least try. RT @philoquotes: The word of man is the most durable of all material. ~ Schopenhauer
- 18 Jul 12 RT @philosophytweet: “Maturity is achieved when a person postpones immediate pleasures for long-term values.” Joshua Loth Liebman
- 6 Jul 12 RT @LettersvanU: Draag je steentje bij aan de toekomst van Utrecht: Letter 654 zoekt nog een sponsor. Morgen 13u bij Oudegracht 307/309.
- 6 Jul 12 A candle flame puts out about the same heat as an adult. Does burning a candle deny existence to someone for the same length of time?
- 3 Jul 12 Wat een goed verhaal. RT @LettersvanU: De Letter A van Arie Koot: het verhaal achter Letter 551 …
- 6 Jun 12 There's one kind of human. Everyone the same? No. Every one is different. No two alike enough to legitimately judge as a group.
- 5 Jun 12 RT @annemarievdh: Letters van Utrecht ontworpen door Hanneke Verheijke van #avantlalettre
- 5 Jun 12 RT @NOS: Video: Eerste letters eeuwigdurend gedicht Utrecht onthuld
- 5 Jun 12 RT @Utrecht_NL: Onthulling straatgedicht 'De Letters van #Utrecht' -
- 5 Jun 12 RT @letterkundige: De letters van Utrecht, een mooi project. Lees erover op > …
- 5 Jun 12 RT @FreddyNuw: de letters van Utrecht zijn onthult. En door Maarten van Rossum aan elkaar gelult.
- 4 Jun 12 The poem of @LettersvanU is begun:
- 31 May 12 Where do ideas come from?
- 31 May 12 RT @treyka: If you don't admit (at least privately, to yourself) the possibility that you just *might* be mistaken, then YOU ARE FUCKED.
- 31 May 12 RT @mediaphilosophy: Most people are unsatisfied in life and advertising will keep it that way.
- 31 May 12 Worth thinking further RT @SaraRobinson: Capitalism Has Failed: 5 Bold Ways to Build a New World via @HuffPostBiz
- 30 May 12 A begin is made for @LettersvanU with the first letters in the streets of Utrecht.
- 29 May 12 Greetings from @LongplayerNow for @LettersvanU …
- 29 May 12 And for longer?RT @transarchitect: If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if for a decade, plant trees; if for a lifetime, educate people
- 27 May 12 A stone from @longnow 's 10,000 Year Clock mountain in the streets of Utrecht: … @LettersvanU
- 27 May 12 Foundation for the Rights of Future Generations on @LettersvanU: …
- 21 May 12 RT @transarchitect: "I can’t understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I’m frightened of the old ones." John Cage
- 21 May 12 RT @transarchitect: Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another. ~ G.K. Chesterton
- 27 Apr 12 Knowledge & resources = activity. Growth temporary. RT @gailtheactuary: Can we expect the economy to keep growing?
- 19 Apr 12 RT @marjetdouze: “...De letters van Utrecht: een oneindig gedicht in de stad ” Fantastisch. LOL.Moeten we echt doen.
- 18 Apr 12 if only our legacy would matter to us more than our status! life would continue to get better.
- 18 Apr 12 RT @Ingmario: Nieuwe blog: De letters van Utrecht: een oneindig gedicht in de stad
- 13 Apr 12 Consciousness is the best use of energy.
- 10 Apr 2012 Backcasting rather than forecasting: what if civilization lasts? Deduct rather than speculate.
- 10 Apr Poem for the future now also explained in English: Decide the next letter in 400 years! @LettersvanU
- 4 Apr In the long run even people we don't like are ancestors of 'our' descendants. Can that help to keep peace now?
- 1 Apr Long Now blog on Long Poetry: the Letters of Utrecht @longnow @LettersvanU
- 13 Mar RT @DickSijtsma: Doe mee met dit gave project: De Letters van Utrecht . Utrecht wordt nog mooier! #030
- View video
- 13 Mar Uitleg van door @rubenvangogh - @LettersvanU
- 8 Mar Cityfarming as social sculpture. Art engages. RT @gemeingueter: Commoning goes documenta 13
- 8 Mar RT @ProfTimLang: At last I agree with something Bill Gates has said: capitalism fails on food R&D. Short-termism rules. Absolutely spot on.
- 7 Mar @LettersvanU RT @VoorleesExpress: Leuk gesprek gehad met De Letters van Utrecht Dit verhaal krijgt nog een staartje...
- 2 Mar Save the date: June 2. Three months from now the endless poem for the future starts in Utrecht. @LettersvanU
- 2 Mar Never has anything dangerous lasted. RT @philoquotes: Never was anything great achieved without danger. ~ Machiavelli
- 2 Mar A declaration of dependence (or dependents)? The people of the future depend on us.
- 2 Mar How could we write a pledge to help us commit to enable life for future people?
- 22 Feb Professor Tim Lang @ProfTimLang Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
- fossil fuel use by world agriculture grew 50x in last 60 years. Wholly unsustainable model. See new Cornerhouse rep p20
- Retweeted by milliongenerations
- 22 Feb Yesterday the city of Utrecht placed two Letters in the street: @LettersvanU seem feasible.
- 18 Feb poem to the future in the stones of the street: one letter per stone, one stone per week, for as long as s.o. covers the costs @LettersvanU
- 18 Feb @LettersvanU RT @FreddyNuw: dichtregels in de goot, op 2 juni wordt het groot.
- 17 Feb RT @philoquotes: I will act as if what I do makes a difference. ~ William James
- 16 Feb Population remains the goal! RT @growthbusters: Which is biggest problem - #overpopulation or #overconsumption ?
- 16 Feb @PoetrySociety A poem published one letter per stone, one stone per week, in the stones of the street: will that last?
- In reply to PoetrySociety
- 14 Feb Dick Sijtsma @DickSijtsma Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
- RT "@GvanDriesten: @dicksijtsma Wat een prachtige website ivm de sponsoractie "Twee Oren voor #Jara"" #tweeoren
- Retweeted by milliongenerations
- 14 Feb RT @FutureCon: Do the dead outnumber the living? <- interesting look at the population #history of humanity
- 13 Feb @SaskiavdR Dank je wel! Denk je het is mogelijk t/m mei 649 burgers te vinden die financieren?
- In reply to Saskia van de Ree
- 5 Feb Saskia van de Ree @SaskiavdR Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
- 20th century avant garde built on principle: seperate & shock. The avant garde of century to come will have as principle: combine & connect
- Retweeted by milliongenerations
- 5 Feb If you had to produce a steak and could do either with the same resources: would you raise & kill cattle or tissue-engineer it in a jar?
- 4 Feb RT @PaulSloane: What have future generations ever done for us? Groucho Marx
- 31 Jan Flemming Funch @ffunch Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
- Life is good. I don't mean just for me. Life … is a good thing. Try making decisions based on whether quality of life is improved or not.
- Retweeted by milliongenerations
- 3 Feb Letters van Utrecht in the news: RT @DickSijtsma: Afgelopen dinsdag in het AD: De binnenstad van #030 wordt...
- 24 Jan RT @UtrechtNetwerk: : een gedicht in de stenen van de straten, 1 letter per week. Mooi initiatief!
- 19 Jan definition or prediction? RT @philosophytweet: Time works for the intelligent.
- 15 Jan RT @philoquotes: When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps. ~ Confucius
- 13 Jan RT @JenniferSertl: The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order~Alfred North Whitehead
- 12 Jan RT @iain2008: We're all responsible for not just the intended effects of our ideas but for their likely misuses. - Dan Dennett
- 12 Jan Do we have the power to maintain civilization?
- 12 Jan We have the power to destroy the earth. Let's not use it.
- 7 Jan All growth is brief.
- 7 Jan Population is the goal, not the problem.
- 7 Jan The population problem? What is your problem with population?
- 7 Jan RT @IntegrativeInfo: Contentment is the only real wealth. ~ Alfred Nobel
- 7 Jan guardians of future generations RT @inter_gen: Rupert Read's fine proposal-Future generations ...
- 7 Jan amazing and impressive work RT @ubuntujoburg: Alex in Wonderland
- 1 Jan If we ever meet an alien species, it must be peaceful. It would have destroyed itself otherwise. The greedy can not last long enough.
- 1 Jan In case the world ends in 2012: has the very last calendar to count down the days (precious collectors item one day :-)
- 1 Jan 2012 The best for 2012 (and all years thereafter).
- 16 Dec 2011 RT @Gnostechs: Data is information without consciousness. Consciousness without compassion is somnolence.
- 16 Dec A poem in stone to be read, and to be continued, by future people:
- 16 Dec The further in the future descendants live, the more will they appreciate the value of caring for their descendants.
- 16 Dec In the long run we are all dead. But our descendants might live.
- 16 Dec In the long run all descendants are common descendants.
- 16 Dec ... and for our descendants. RT @sebpaquet: Ask not what you can do for your country, but what you can do for one another.
- 23 Nov Civilization: as long as you are, keep learning how to continue. RT @philoquotes: As long as you live, keep learning how to live. ~ Seneca
- 22 Nov Rob Hopkins @robintransition Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
- Fascinating piece from Gail the Actuary about whether you actually can decouple GDP growth from energy use:
- Retweeted by milliongenerations
- 22 Nov Growth is temporary.
- 19 Nov Halina Ward @democracyandsd Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
- FDSD has just launched a new Ministry for Future Generations website! Check out
- Retweeted by milliongenerations
- 21 Nov RT @ideahive: Planetary boundaries agreed by all states. Awesome idea: Ministry for #Future Generations
- 10 Nov the future is vulnerable
- 3 Nov Population is not a problem. It is the goal.
- 30 Oct RT @ver_philo: Resource Rights and Sustainable Resource Management
- View media
- 23 Oct RT @quote_a_day: "There is no wealth but life." ~ John Ruskin
- 7 Oct RT @thisischris10e: Voor het maximaliseren van welzijn = een ander beleid nodig dan op grond van economische indicatoren voor de hand ligt
- 5 Oct Q: if tissue engineering steaks used the same amount of resources as raising+slaughtering cows - which would you prefer?
- 5 Oct energy = food
- 5 Oct The farther you look into the future, the less likely individuals will exist without the explicit care of earlier generations.
- 5 Oct RT @sebpaquet: "Can we instead create an economic system that liberates, celebrates, and rewards the innate urge to give?"Charles Eisenstein
- 5 Oct RT @AmadorSq: #DailyBeast: "Anyone who has spent time in...#Haiti realizes how vital the state is to human flourishing."
- 2 Oct RT @philosophytweet: Is it possible for everyone to be rich?
- 2 Oct RT @rejecter: I've learnt to love that fusion ball in the sky as my own sun.
- 2 Oct Future people value efforts for next generations (wouldn't be otherwise). How can we start? We evolved on reputation among contemporaries.
- 27 Sep we all RT @theredpillpusha: There are no shackles on us, yet we remain prisoner to a system we allowed to rise.
- 27 Sep likelihood that a claim will hold up is inversely proportional to initial attention it gets RT @longnow: Slow Science -
- 27 Sep RT @grattongirl: Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. ~Lao Tzu
- 27 Sep RT @philosophytweet: Where there is fear there is opportunity, Forethought is divine.
- 19 Sep RT @IntegrativeInfo: All things living are in search of a better world. ~ Karl Popper
- 18 Sep The second law. And yet: knowledge can grow with time. RT @philoquotes: All things deteriorate in time. ~ Virgil
- 18 Sep Conscious experience is the best use of energy. Energy = Food.
- 18 Sep There's only one kind of human on earth.
- 18 Sep RT @thisischris10e: Asielzoeker droomt van bekommernis die Happy Feet kreeg - Opinie - TROUW: bizar eigenlijk
- 18 Sep RT @ideahive, @shirleyayres: RT @inthetoon: Civilisation is a race between education & catastrophe @hgwells #tedxlondon #educationrevolution
- 17 Sep RT @philoquotes: Those who boast of their descent, brag on what they owe to others. ~ Seneca
- 16 Sep RT @SteadyStateEcon: Time banks throw out the logic of the market -- in a time bank, all work has equal value.
- 16 Sep RT @RarePlanet: How we sell conservation and protecting our planet is important. Why not take the positive approach?
- 16 Sep RT @TweetsOfGrass: To think of today . . and the ages continued henceforward.
- 14 Sep @brettjenks Understood. It really is a cool project. Williamson describes a home experiment
- In reply to Brett Jenks
- 14 Sep @brettjenks Cool science project! Do you really bury your grass deep underground?
- In reply to Brett Jenks
- 4 Sep If we are to avoid destruction we must first of all understand the human and historical context out of which destruction arises. ~ F. Dyson
- 4 Sep I am convinced that to avoid nuclear war it is not sufficient to be afraid of it. ~ Freeman Dyson
- 3 Sep RT @philosophytweet: Are ideas light or burning coals?
- 22 Aug RT @IntegrativeInfo: "When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race." - H.G. Wells
- 22 Aug RT @openworld: Human flourishing is only a click away h/t Bobby Fishkin
- 22 Aug RT @gatesfoundation: "Info. and knowledge sits at the heart of social, economic and community development."
- 22 Aug RT @aneesh_sharma: “We have an economy where we steal the future, sell it in the present, and call it GDP.” #PaulHawken
- 17 Aug assume million generations
- 17 Aug how can civilization last? How can we be good ancestors? Let ideas enable more life.
- 5 Aug RT @rejecter: I'll never stop expecting more of you, world.
- 4 Aug comprehensive anticipatory design science RT @BuckyFullerInst: Enter the 2012 Buckminster Fuller Challenge...
- 4 Aug there's only one type of human on earth.
- 3 Aug RT @DalaiLama: We need to consider how our actions, in affecting the environment, are likely to affect others.
- 3 Aug RT @philosophytweet: Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent. - Euripides
- 2 Aug Knowledge can still grow. But indefinitely? Hmmm. RT @postcarbon: WHO KILLED GROWTH? The animated answer >>
- View video
- 2 Aug Can we leave coal, oil and gas in the ground? = Can we continue to live long term? (DeChristopher link via @appropedia)
- 28 Jul @appropedia Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
- Activist gets 2 yrs jail. ~"Without this kind of defiance (we'd) still be denying people of color basic freedoms."
- Retweeted by milliongenerations
- 1 Aug Letters on the street, an endless poem continued through time
- 31 Jul the fuel used flying a plane or heating a house is not used for running a tractor or creating fertilizer. energy = food.
- 30 Jul Could the dinosaurs have disappeared because one species learned to accumulate and use knowledge?
- 30 Jul RT @billmckibben: Toss some coin to pay Tim's fine/legal fees. We can't serve his sentence for him, but this we can do
- 29 Jul Consciousness is the best use of energy
- 29 Jul energy = food
- 29 Jul Let ideas enable more life.
- 29 Jul Use brains, not resources!
- 29 Jul So it is indeed impossible... RT @sigaard: What do we want? TIME TRAVEL! When do we want it? THAT'S IRRELEVANT!
- 29 Jul Live in the Gobi desert first! Charlie Strauss on space travel: (plus instructive comments eg, on survivor bias)
- 29 Jul Even before wikileaks: RT @philosophytweet: Hide nothing, for time, which sees all and hears all, exposes all.-Sophocles
- 28 Jul Rob Hopkins @robintransition Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
- Just eaten a peach freshly-picked from my greenhouse. Experiencing a rare form of fruit-induced bliss...
- Retweeted by milliongenerations
- 28 Jul nef @theneweconomics Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
- UN admits that GDP is a poor measure for well-being. But what can replace it? Sorcha Mahony of @nefwellbeing explores:
- Retweeted by milliongenerations
- 20 Jul Rob Hopkins @robintransition Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
- Here is the mp3 of the talk I gave at the recent RESOLVE conference in London about 'Transition as Cookery':
- Retweeted by milliongenerations
- 24 Jul RT @BradAcker22: "Remember that happiness is a way of travel - not a destination." ~Roy M. Goodman
- 24 Jul RT @philoquotes: What a peculiar privilege has this little agitation of the brain which we call 'thought'. ~ David Hume
- 24 Jul RT @philoquotes: Knowledge becomes evil if the aim be not virtuous. ~ Plato
- 18 Jul what if intelligence indeed lasted "many ... billions of years hence"?(@gregorybenford "Deep Time") - Assume & deduct requirements!
- 14 Jul Nederland2050 @nl2050 Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
- Graag RT'en! Eis een 100% Duurzaam NL in 2050 - teken de petitie! Een initatief van Wubbo Ockels. Kijk voor meer info op
- Retweeted by milliongenerations
- 17 Jul "Intelligence may even last to see .. the last .. suns many .. billions of years hence" @gregorybenford "Deep Time" Avon Books 1999, p.207
- 17 Jul Recognition as a ‘new paradigm’ of philosophy - - via @ver_philo
- View media
- 1 Jul Letters in cobblestones spelling a poem for as long as someone writes
- 1 Jul RT @Kuhn: "We're not products of our environments, we're products of our expectations." - Wes Moore
- 29 Jun Peace Ecology Love @IntegrativeInfo Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
- The function of science fiction is not always to predict the future but sometimes to prevent it. - Frank Herbert
- Retweeted by milliongenerations
- 16 Jun RT @europeanhistory: "All the knowledge I possess everyone else can acquire, but my heart is all my own." Goethe.
- 16 Jun RT @philosophytweet: What ideas can I make a reality.
- 16 Jun @treyka Thank you, too! @longnowbrussels is inspiring. And thanks to @_foam. So close to the Avenue of the Future...
- 16 Jun RT @treyka: How to deal with institutional mission-drift towards self-preservation? Time-based poison pills in charters / bylaws?
- 16 Jun Because we don’t think about future generations, they will never forget us. ~ Henrik Tikkanen
- 15 Jun RT @longnowbrussels: Long Now Brussels meetup @_foam milliongenerations foundation 15 June 02011, 19h - @treyka
- View media
- 14 Jun RT @CatherineDeveny: 'Don't wait for the light at the end of the tunnel. Get up there and light the damn thing yourself.' Sara Henderson
- 14 Jun Slow thought movement
- 14 Jun One kind of human! RT @philoquotes: I am not an Athenian, nor a Greek, but a citizen of the world. ~ Socrates
- 14 Jun RT @wisdomtweets: You think and you end up in a better place.
- 12 Jun RT @philoquotes: Those who boast of their descent, brag on what they owe to others. ~ Seneca
- 12 Jun RT @greenskeptic: RT @pkedrosky: Nice collection: 15 energy slides that shook the earth - <<With updates. Cool.
- 11 Jun And the measure of each generation is what it does for posterity. RT @philoquotes: The measure of a man is what he does with power. ~ Plato
- 10 Jun @appropedia yes, open knowledge for sustainable living and open thinking for lasting existence should work together!
- In reply to
- 10 Jun RT @WiserEarth: "We cannot do great things in this life; we can only do small things with great love." --Mother Teresa #quote
- 9 Jun RT @gaylegifford: What's working? What isn't? What are your recommendations for change? 3 simple but powerful questions
- 9 Jun Check @appropedia too: RT @UnsustainableU: Find and share Resources for a Sustainable Lifestyle
- 7 Jun RT @WiserEarth: #quote "The starting point for a better world is the belief that it is possible." Norman Cousins
- 7 Jun An endless poem, published on the stones of the street, one letter per week for as long as there is someone writing poems and setting stones
- 6 Jun Happiness, not economic growth, ought to be the next and more sensible target...~ Andrew Oswald (PDF) via @drgrist
- 5 Jun Want to save the planet? The planet will stay. George Carlin:
- View video
- 30 May RT @treyka: Belgian chocolates and an espresso. Does it get any better than this? No, it does not. Take that, Monday afternoon blahs!
- 28 May RT @quote_a_day: "Time is the one thing that can never be retrieved." ~ C.R. Lawton #quote
- 28 May RT @BradAcker22: "We can understand almost anything, but we can't understand how we understand." ~Albert Einstein
- 28 May RT @philoquotes: The fundament upon which all our knowledge and learning rests is the inexplicable. ~ Schopenhauer
- 28 May RT @Revkin: Perceiving the Anthropocene - Earth is ours to shape or muck up.
- 28 May RT @philosophytweet: A perfection of means, and confusion of aims, seems to be our main problem. -Einstein
- 28 May RT @philoquotes: Always recognize that human individuals are ends, and do not use them as means to your end. ~ Kant
- 28 May RT @nefwellbeing: Nic Marks writes for Al Jazeera about why we need new measures of progress.
- 28 May A successful society is one that provides high and stable levels of well-being for its citizens sustainably over time ~ Nic Marks
- 26 May RT @TheOilDrum: Entropy, peak oil, and Stoic philosophy #peakoil #netenergy
- 26 May RT @steadystater: Mountebank Wins Nobel for Infinite Planet Theory #steadystate #postgrowth #neweconomy #humor
- 23 May How can civilization last? Blog at
- 22 May Why are we so preoccupied with an end of the world caused by factors beyond our control? We would seem the most likely cause ourselves.
- 22 May RT @davidhodgson: RT @gassho: The more we care for the happiness of others, the greater is our own sense of well-being. —Dalai Lama
- 15 May RT @BradAcker22 "Any plan is bad which is not susceptible to change." ~Italian proverb
- The best use of energy is consciousness 14 May 2011
- What would you want to tell a future civilization? @seedmag lists answers: Starting Over 12 May
- What would you want tell a future civilization? 12 May
- RT @AlitaTyler: New ideas are never greeted with enthusiasm because people are set in their ways. 8 May
- It matters how we do things, for those alive now, and for how many can be RT @roomfordebate: Technology and Population 8 May
- RT @alialsaeed More people are dying in #Libya, #Syria, #Iraq & #Yemen yet we're still talking about the death of one person. 4 May
- RT @Cervido Exciting piece of speculative #philosophy on #singularity by David Chalmers 4 May
- RT @steadystater By not accounting for #emissions caused by imported goods, rich nations are living in Alice's wonderland #climate 4 May
- @SteadyStateEcon Not Production, Not Consumption, but Transformation « Center for the Advancement of the Steady Stat 4 May
- RT @philosophytweet Wise decisions are also the path of survival. 4 May
- RT @WomenOfHistory For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. -Audrey Hepburn 2 May
- RT @Thrivable @AlanRosenblith And if you like open sourcing appropriate technology, be sure to dig into @appropedia thanks to @Toolstothrive et al 14 Apr
- RT @philoquotes: Wealth is like sea-water; the more we drink, the thirstier we become; and the same is true of fame. ~ Schopenhauer 1 May
- Population is not the problem, it is the goal. 1 May
- RT @PursueSustain: RT @MindfullyChange: What we think, we become #quote 1 May
- RT @donmacca: "Instead of trying to sustain the way we live, we might ask how to create a sustainable way of living." - Steb Fisher 1 May
- The most important question we must ask ourselves is, "Are we being good ancestors?" - Jonas Salk 1 May
- To be the best dad I possibly can... - Ric Elias (thx @CoCreatr). Generalize: best ancestor? 1 May
- a gallon of fuel equals about a month's supply of food. Is what I do with it worth a month of life? 26 Apr
- RT @philosophytweet: Philosophers can publish their works electronically now. Think Big. 26 Apr
- Action may not bring happiness but there is no happiness without action. ~ William James via @philoquotes 24 Apr*RT @ideahive RT @karmakees: happy is the new currency. via @nefwellbeing Nic Marks talks about well-being at TEDxDanubia: 23 Apr
- RT @carlsafina Whether we help one unlucky creature or wish to save the world, each of us needs to cherish all life as the gift it is 22 Apr
- “A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.” James Freeman Clarke - via @jvanderpol 24 Apr
- James Gleick on memetics jumping the shark: Currently popular: What Defines a Meme? - via @CoCreatr @JuntoLens - thx! 24 Apr
- RT @jvanderpol: Een politicus denkt aan de volgende verkiezing, een staatsman aan de volgende generatie. 'James Freeman Clarke' 22 Apr
- RT @philoquotes: It is a clear gain to sacrifice pleasure in order to avoid pain. ~ Schopenhauer 20 Apr
- Michael: my car gets twice the mileage of my old one. Yet I also use it twice as much... 20 Apr
- Michael: going by train instead of the car today because I saw @billmckibben speak. 20 Apr
- RT @ourPotential The free man is he who does not fear to go to the end of his thought.-L.Blum #quote 19 Apr
- RT @Samantha_Hosea How many people in NL are interested in an English #durftevragen #daretoask? Let me and @ManuelaDamant know! (pls RT) #dtv 19 Apr
- There's only one kind of human on earth. #thoughtoftheday 19 Apr
- RT @philosophytweet: Perseverance-have faith in what you are doing. 18 Apr
- Want to save the earth? The earth will stay. #thoughtoftheday 18 Apr
- RT @djjoustra #thoughtoftheday make your own #thoughtoftheday for sustaining ideas worth to rethink and do. Rt! Let's do it! 18 Apr
- RT @djjoustra: ecology is a grand collection of smart ideas! Closing materials cycles, energy of the sun and value diversity. Just do it! 18 Apr
- No screenings yet in Netherlands for Economics of #Happiness? @EconofHappiness 16 Apr
- Culture Evolves Slowly, Falls Apart Quickly via @fink_lik_a_mntn 16 Apr
- RT @jvanderpol Why we need te realize that we are not civilized, so humanity will be able to make the next step to civilization 16 Apr
- Let ideas serve life. (MK) 14 Apr
- 50 years ago Gagarin saw the beauty of earth. "Spaceship Earth" will still be beautiful in 50 million yrs: assume someone will see it then! 14 Apr
- 50 years ago #Gagarin saw the beauty of earth: Documentary "First Orbit" via @klandestina1 14 Apr
- Lateral accountability! Great idea in #TEDx talk by @ChrisSandbox + future knows more about us than contemporaries! 10 Apr
- RT @appropedia: Working hard at understanding deeply was key to Feynman's problem-solving. Lessons for our #education & #climate challenges. 9 Apr
- RT @appropedia: Part of the secret of genius - Feynman's thinking via @lucasgonzalez @Anonima 9 Apr
- RT @makower This is great development: Apple, Intel Halt Conflict Minerals Purchases 7 Apr
- RT @djjoustra CoP psychologie van het Klimaat was inspirerend. Andere manier van denken en doen, aanhaken bij gevoel en onverwachte invalshoeken kansrijk? 7 Apr
- RT @futurist_Ahines Are we more optimistic about the future than we should be? 7 Apr
- RT @umairh My hunch is: to end this Great Stagnation, instead of more "innovation", "growth", and "strategy"--we might need to reclaim our humanity. 6 Apr
- RT @umairh Hence, my suggestion. Today's most revolutionary act? Not protesting or marching. But choosing a radically meaningful path for your life. 8 Apr
- What a wonderful day! 2 Apr
- @6mda Wonderful exposition of our common humanity: 6 billion others in Brussels-19Jun #onekindofhuman 26 Mar
- RT xphilosopher Experimental Philos Workshop on the Experimental Philosophy of Consciousness next week in NYC. 13 Mar
- RT Bill McKibben Watching with awe the horror in Japan, reminded that modernity lives on a thin margin (which we should stop making thinner still).13 Mar
- RT Diana den Heldstrateeg Diana den Held Into Eternity de BESTE docu over nucleair afval die ik ooit heb gezien: Mar
- Tim DeChristopher on the power of nonviolent civil disobedience. (Leave oil in the ground.)8 Mar
- Let ideas bring life! 7 Mar
- RT @europeanhistory: "Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Kierkegaard 6 Mar
- RT Tom Whitbytomwhitby Tom Whitby In a system based on competition, collaboration may be considered cheating.Why would we characterize an education Plan as a Race to the Top?6 Mar
- and a wise generation... RT @BradAcker22: "A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds." ~Sir Francis Bacon #fb4 Mar
- RT @BradAcker22: "Today, value goes to those who know how to create, store, manipulate and use information."~Adam Hartung #fb24 Feb
- 'Fighting racists' repeats the mistake. Remembering that there is only one kind of human on earth might help.23 Feb
- Jared Diamond: Guns, Germs, and Steel (1997,,_Germs,_and_Steel): There is only one kind of human on earth!23 Feb
- RT @philoquotes: While there's life, there's hope. ~ Cicero22 Feb
- RT @djjoustra: Cradle to cradle festival Berlin 9 march theme architecture with William McDonough, Michael Braungart, Thomas Rau and more.22 Feb
- RT @davidahood: The Happy Planet Index... "because GDP measures everything except that makes life worthwhile" Feb
- Marks: The Happiness Manifesto! RT @nefwellbeing book based on ... #TED talk via Amazon Kindle Singles Jan
- RT Philosophy Tweets Time destroys the speculation of men, but it confirms nature. -Cicero27 Jan Un
- RT Igor Kluin Prachtige zin van @dezaakhanssen over green washing: 'Als de aarde het straks begeeft, gebeurt het in elk geval op een duurzame manier.'27 Jan Un
- human energy requirement about the same as a candle's. One gallon of fuel means food for several weeks.23 Jan
- many talk about knowledge economy. Where is something about the economy of knowledge?23 Jan
- Is reputation key to everything? RT @GuardianSustBiz How the science of behaviour change can help with sustainability Jan
- RT @philosophytweet: Enjoy present pleasures in such a way as not to injure future ones.- Seneca19 Jan
- Onkalo: nuclear waste in Finland documented by M. Madsen's 'Into Eternity' - think 100.000 years!18 Jan
- SoyEcoistaSoyEcoista SoyEcoista Onkalo, un cementerio nuclear para la eternidad - 14/01/2011: Onkalo, que en finÇs significa oculto, es ... #soyeco15 Jan
- Renaissance: science searches for truth. Popper: can't know truth, science is about utility. Kuhn: No, it's all about reputation.15 Jan
- RT @philosophytweet: Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent. -Euripides8 Jan
- RT Symbiosis Economics It took 100 million hours to create all the content on Wikipedia. US adults watch 200 Billion hours of TV each year. Jan Un
- RT Philosophy Tweets For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.-FEYNMAN29 Nov
- Will be interesting to see how far we get by dismissing the only thing we know for sure. Jan
- RT @eileen_gunn: I'm intrigued by the thought that a neuroscientist says I may not actually exist: Jan
- RT @JenniferSertl: The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it. Henry David Thoreau3 Jan
- The number of people does matter. But how people consume resources matters a lot more. Population is not the problem, it is the goal.3 Jan
- people consume resources matters RT @dailydish: People V. Planet... Robert Kunzig considers a growing population Jan
- RT Whatever happened to - it's been offline for ages, but does someone have the content? #green #permaculture #pacificnw
- Copying identity? Hmm. Speculative #philosophy on #singularity by David Chalmers Thx, @Cervido 2 Jan
- RT @fer_ananda In the end, nothing we do or say in this lifetime will matter as much as the way we loved one another. Daphne Rose Kingma 29 Dec
- Be a good ancestor. Useful thoughts should survive a singularity. Predicting is too difficult. Look back from the assumption of existence. 1 Jan 11
- Conscious experience seems to require consumption, is competitive & limited 1 Jan 11
- RT @BillGates: I wrote up a review of “The Rational Optimist” by Matt Ridley. Some notes here: 1 Jan 11
- @davidhodgson humanity's collective purpose? To continue. Sounds better than it is. To perpetuate knowledge, so individuals can be. 28 Dec
- RT @davidhodgson: if humanity should be said to have a collective purpose - what would it be? #question 28 Dec
- "The end is nigh" they say, and we consume what we can get. What if we truly believed "The end is far"? 27 Dec
- great discussion on post growth economy, exnovation: Niko Paech & Fred LUKS (German) via @pleger 26 Dec
- RT @Mushin: Conscious - what a way to be! 19 Dec
- Gaaf! RT @thisischris10e: Mensen in de bijstand de nieuwe duurzame voorhoede? Ja, iig wel als ze een volkstuin hebben. 18 Dec
- Old wisdom, still unneeded. RT @philoquotes: Charity is no substitute for justice withheld. ~ Saint Augustine 17 Dec
- RT @TomZiglar: You measure success by how much good you do for others. Zig Ziglar 17 Dec
- No more secrets: if knowledge continues to increase, future individuals will know almost everything about each of us (#WikiLeaks). Behave! 17 Dec
- Brave effort... RT @paulborn: Tasting the Future | Seeking Community - great new blog by Vanessa Reid 16 Dec
- RT @strateeg Wauw... mooi... Roept vragen op. RT @Pritt Foto. IJsbeer vs IJsbreker: 16 Dec
- On the history of a perspective on the future RT @futureaware: There?s More to Singularity Studies Than Kurzweil 13 Dec
- @felixbbopp The future of Happiness - watch the webcast 12 Dec
- RT @daily_good "We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children." --Native American Proverb 29 Nov
- Ruut Veenhoven and Nic Marks at Club of Amsterdam tomorrow night! 24 Nov
- RT @greenskeptic: Liang Congjie, China's 1st environmentalist, died on Oct 25. His obit from this week's @TheEconomist 20 Nov
- Mankind does not strive for happiness; only the Englishman does that. Nietzsche :-) Nov
- A first glimpse of what might be lasting technology: all carbon fuel cells, and solar cells, by Dr. Shelley Minteer from Saint Louis Univ.! 20 Nov
- See Nic Marks discuss the 'future of Happiness' Thursday 25 Nov 19:00 in A'dam! @nefwellbeing @theneweconomics 20 Nov
- Happiness Professor Ruut Veenhoven will discuss the 'future of Happiness' Thursday 25 Nov 19:00 in A'dam! - other's h.! 20 Nov Un
- RT @ideahive How do we create an economy based upon empathy? #iff 17 Nov
- RT @davidhodgson Without empathy society cannot exist. Martin Hoffman #iff 17 Nov
- Silence was brief after bredolab botnet was uncovered. Vandalism on wiki's has resumed. Too bad free efforts are so quickly exploited. 18 Nov
- RT @felixbbopp Is “eudaimonia” - happiness - the highest desirable good? 6 Nov
- RT @ONEworldcitizen: The only real prison is fear. And the only real freedom is freedom from fear. Aung Sang Suu Kyi1 4 Nov
- Is there really no way to combine the growth of useful knowledge with long term existence? Brilliant video: 12 Nov
- ...the more urgent the problem. People are the goal! RT @environmentinst: 'The more of us there are-the tougher the problem' Paul #Ehrlich 11 Nov
- RT @conservbytes Why don't we care about the people 5-10 generations from now - myopic empathy (discounting by distance & time) - Paul #Ehrlich 11 Nov
- Maarten Vendrik will join the discussion on the future of Happiness Nov 25 in A'dam Nov Un
- Keep going & make it last RT @Wildcat2030: 8 Ways in Which the Human Condition is Improving 8 Nov
- If knowledge continues to increase, future people will know almost everything about us. Shouldn't that make us ensure they flourish? 6 Nov
- Tim Mulgan: Utilitarianism for a broken future. For the Club of Amsterdam 25 Nov 6 Nov
- measure & increase happiness NL: #7di @roemen 23 Oct
- RT @nefwellbeing: Report ...: internat devlpmnt based on 'ultimately harmful' acquisitive view of flourishing (pdf) 22 Oct
- RT @DalaiLama: When we ignore the question of the impact our actions have on others' well-being, inevitably we end up hurting them.20 Oct
- RT @jascharohr: Hermann Scheer: rest in peace - you showed us the way towards the sun: 20 Oct
- RT @anildash Anil Dash To be clear: Crowdsourcing is improving a process by making it more inclusive. Getting others to work for you for free has a different name. 7 Oct
- RT @Jeremy_Williams Richard Heinberg is writing a book called The End of Growth and you can read an introduction here #postgrowth 2 Oct
- RT @strateeg een goeie video over de fosfaatproblematiek: 28 Sep
- @benjaminaaron Thanks! Interesting thoughts. Nice video you mention "Das Rad" 2 Oct
- Justice as enabling advancement! Joerg Chet Tremel: A Theory of Intergenerational Justice. earthscan 2009 1 Oct
- Keep wondering! RT @Wildcat2030: "Consciousness poses two main problems. First, what are the necessary ... 1 Oct
- RT @longnow: Check out the list of speakers in the Long Conversation: - (Oct. 16!) #longplayer 1 Oct
- Food for thought - and posture morph game RT @benjaminaaron: social algorithms, deep social innovation: 1 Oct
- RT ideas4all ideas4all Where good ideas come from' by Steven Johnson #ideas via @mberzosa 30 Sep
- Is Fermi's paradox solved by the notion that the experience of existence is a better use of resources than travel? 1 Oct
- RT Maru_123 Maruping Mangwedi It's amazing how with all the stuff we have and have access to, it's life's simple treasures that most move and fulfil us. 25 Sep
- RT robintransition Rob Hopkins Gorgeous chilly early cycle ride to the station, near-full moon still out, Orion hanging large in the sky, Totnes slowly coming to life... 27 Sep
- nefwellbeing centre 4 well-being Listen again to Nic Marks on happiness on BBC Radio 4's You and Yours 21 Sep
- RT @VenessaMiemis: Update: First Round of Interviewees for #FutureofMoney Project #sibos 22 Sep
- gabrielshalom gabrielshalom RT @neilhimself: I dreamed that people from Wikipedia came round to your house to adjust reality if it differed from what they had online. 23 Aug
- justice towards future beings... does it help to think of opportunities? Opportunity for existence. For passing on knowledge. indefinitely. 10 Sep
- Joerg Chet Tremmel: A Theory of Intergenerational Justice 10 Sep
- Foundation for the Rights of Future Generations 10 Sep
- Nic Marks at TED on how there can be more happiness 9 Sep
- RT Jeremy_Williams Jeremy Williams The Wilberforce Award – because endless growth is not sustainable 23 Aug
- There's only one type of human on earth. Empathic civilization: #1typeofhuman 9 Sep
- What is happiness and what will it be in the future? The future of happiness. Please let me know who could say something sensible about it. 30 Aug
- environments, societies and species change. can conscious knowledge remain? will those alive here in a billion years still know what we know 27 Aug
- there is only one type of human on earth. and there are about seven billion individuals, no two alike. 27 Aug
- RT paulocoelho Paulo Coelho You are what you do, and not what you think you should do. 26 Aug
- What do we owe to our descendants? Tim Mulgan: Future People. 24 Aug
- Now that we are stewards of this planet, we are responsible for maintaining life's possibilities in this cosmic neighborhood. MRees@longnow 5 Aug
- How can information remain available as long as life is possible? What are requirements for lasting civilization? How to serve posterity? 19 Jul
- What are you leaving to posterity? 4 Jul
- Updated links to happiness researchers: 4 Jul
- RT NurtureGirl Jean Russell @VenessaMiemis is long standing resilient mostly sustainable community cc @johnrobb 30 Jun
- RT TheTransitioner TheTransitioner Download pdf -how the commoners build a digital republic of their own -Viral Spiral- -Creative Commons- 3 Jul
- How do we make ourselves care about those who could exist? The yet-to-be-born? 3 Jul
- @treyka Long Now events in Brussels! Very interesting. Please let us know about future events. 26 Jun
- RT heOilDrum The Oil Drum A Road Not Taken: "A generation from now, this solar heater can either be a curiosity, a museum piece, an exam... 23 Jun
- RT CoCreatr Bernd Nurnberger The 6 forces behind @umairh’s law: “In a hyperconnected world, the costs of evil explode." 11 Jun
- RT robintransition Rob Hopkins The list of this month's new 'formal' Transition initiatives... 11 Jun
- RT Kunstvanleven Kunst van Leven Als je het idee loslaat dat je echt iets weet,kun je de rest van je leven in verwondering genieten.Nin Sheng 9 Jun
- What would I have done had I had her genes and experiences? 4:07 PM Jun 4th
- "Science is not about truth" - CERN's Sergio Bertolucci at Club of Amsterdam tonight. He's right. It should be about benefit instead. 2:34 PM Jun 3rd
- RT @ruthannharnisch: "Find people who think differently than you do to create a thrivable society because diversity creates strength," s ... 2:11 PM Jun 3rd
- RT @timoreilly: oops. "It's time for our community to move beyond the campaign...and start thinking about actually solving problems." @c ... 2:08 PM Jun 3rd
- Steady state economy? Growth may not be the problem after all - as long as knowledge increases. But consumption certainly can't exist. 12:49 PM May 27th
- RT @philosophytweet: Many who seem to be struggling with adversity are happy; many, amid great affluence, are utterly miserable. - Tacitus 12:14 PM May 26th
- RT @strateeg: Toch wel een bijzondere observatie... D66 noemt C2C letterlijk IN het verkiezingsprogramma. 2:19 PM May 24th
- RT @stephen_hinton: Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. Maria Robinson 2:15 PM May 24th
- RT @Kletskous: Progress and Innovation Cannot Be Stopped -- Mereley Hindered - 2:32 PM May 22nd
- RT @philosophytweet: Those who promise us paradise on earth never produced anything but a hell. - Popper 4:03 PM May 17th
- A musical composition lasting an entire millenium. Reminds us that someone should exist to hear it played out. 5:53 PM May 16th
- Improvement on 'how can there be most happiness?' front: ask for video entries rather than essays. Thx Felix. 5:44 PM May 16th
- RT @philosophytweet: Yet a preoccupation with power distracts us from paying attention to what is at the foundation of the world…. -Godel 5:37 PM May 16th
- RT @strateeg: Spaarlamp (uit tijd dat ik nog dacht dat die ok waren) heeft de geest gegeven... zit ik dus mooi met stuk chemisch afval z ... 5:35 PM May 16th
- What can one do against #botnets spamming links to external pages on wiki's? 2:15 AM May 14th
- Nice. Progess isn't always obvious. RT @DougMcInnes Hey folks, I made an Asteroids clone in HTML5 12:54 AM May 14th
- RT @thousandnations: New blog post: Obeying is Low Status, So How Do We Convince People to Obey?: A.J. Ayer says political philosophers. ... 2:41 PM May 13th
- nor does it find truth. but it surely is useful. RT @philosophytweet: Science is not certain 9:16 AM May 13th
- RT @rstevens: Next time someone asks your ethnicity, you should say "adorable." 5:16 AM May 13th
- RT @rstevens: Life is a good problem to have. 5:12 AM May 13th
- inevitable: Let's conceive what can last. Thanks @storyofstuff 4:37 PM May 10th
- RT @hnauheimer: Can we design cities for happiness? 3:56 PM May 10th
- Surprised many r comfortable with the idea of collapse in the next century. Why could knowledge not remain and grow while life's possible? 3:17 PM May 10th
- RT @postcarbon: Wes Jackson "If you're working on something you can finish in your lifetime, you're not thinking big enough" http://bit. ... 2:01 PM May 5th
- A living clock that ticks out a thousand years! Time made visible. Go Greg Blonder! 10:00 AM May 5th
- costs of energy determine minimum price of food. Price of food limits carrying capacity. get RE<C! 12:49 AM Apr 30th
- Freedom(TM). Hmmm. Some interesting ideas. but sometimes one novel is better than two. 12:16 PM Apr 29th
- RT @chispeak: [We should] entertain our opinions with some measure of doubt. [People shouldn't] believe any philosophy, not even mine. ... 12:12 PM Apr 29th
- RT @myparable: Labels divide, titles alienate and status rejects." 3:53 PM Apr 28th
- RT @aroncramer: Continuity is not natural. It is an act that requires attention and thought. The world is full of change. #tyf2010 3:54 PM Apr 27th
- RT @aroncramer: We are not well suited to considering the non-linearity we are producing by our actions. #tyf2010 3:50 PM Apr 27th
- RT @stephen_hinton: Work isn’t working. We need to redesign it for the sustainable future 3:05 PM Apr 27th
- RT @LesMcP: May make more sense to build up national index of happiness than build up national economic index based on production capabi ... 12:14 PM Apr 27th
- RT @tiffanyshlain: We have the same amount of water that the dinosaurs had. it's about sanitation and distribution #TYF2010 12:05 PM Apr 27th
- RT @chris23: "The way that people become happy is not by consuming stuff but by giving stuff away." - Raj Patel #TYF2010 12:01 PM Apr 27th
- Derek Parfit's repugnant conclusion doesn't seem to hold if one assumes continued existence. Stretching the limits risks reducing capacity. 7:08 PM Apr 24th
- RT @philosophytweet: Any man may easily do harm, but not every man can do good to another. Plato 2:41 PM Apr 21st
- Wouldn't we live right, if all possible future generations lived? RT @philosophytweet It is not living that matters, but living rightly. 9:36 PM Apr 20th 2010 via web
- What will it take for our descendants to look back at our decisions today and judge us good ancestors? - Jonas Salk 2:31 AM Apr 19th via web
- RT @grimsgreen Want peace? Solve the energy crisis!: The hard energy path is the path we are on — with near-total reliance on non... 3:31 PM Apr 18th via twitterfeed Retweeted by MillionGen
- The Rest Saving the West - 2010 International Year of the First World in Need - compliments @dx1w 12:03 AM Apr 19th via web
- RT @Worldchanging: Keeping Oil in the Ground 2:26 AM Apr 16th via Echofon
- RT @pleger Top 15 Policies for Achieving a Steady State Economy - 7:21 AM Apr 10th via TweetDeck Retweeted by MillionGen
- RT pleger Pattern Dynamics - creating cultures of sustainability - - 11:50 PM Apr 15th via TweetDeck Retweeted by you
- RT nachhaltig_ev Nachhaltigkeit ist auch ein ethisches Grundkonzept, so Abtprimas Notker Wolf in der WirtschaftsWoche 1:30 PM Apr 6th via HootSuite Retweeted by you and 1 other
- how can there be most happiness? 1:21 AM Apr 14th via Echofon
- RT barbarosa1 There R an increasing # of world problems that cant B solved by hierarchy. Collaboration is the only chance 4 a solution. #Senge #closym #fb 9:01 PM Apr 12th via UberTwitter Retweeted by you and 1 other
- RT philosophytweet For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream. - Vincent Van Gogh 7:00 PM Apr 12th via web Retweeted by you and 22 others
- look at the news: we seem to be much more sensitive to status than to well-being. a shame: happiness could scale and is more relevant. 9:20 AM Apr 12th via Echofon
- great news: photovoltaic competitive in 2015 RE<C 2025 9:07 AM Apr 12th via Echofon
- Can stones in the street inspire like a clock of the long now? 3:41 AM Apr 12th via Echofon
- RT BettinaYuliko "The only place where 'SUCCESS' comes before 'WORK' is in the dictionary." 8:20 AM Apr 7th via HootSuite Retweeted by you
- RT redutten If you really want to understand something, try to change it! 8:04 PM Apr 11th via TweetDeck Retweeted by you
- lasting civilization, or enduring information? 2:59 AM Apr 12th via Echofon
- @_Philosophy_: Do we have a moral duty to preserve the environment? More useful & easier to ask about consequences rather than morals? 1:36 AM Apr 5th via Echofon
- It's great to be here. It's great to be anywhere, actually. -- Keith Richards (dank aan Ingmar Heytze) 1:24 AM Apr 5th via Echofon
- How can there be most happiness? Help organize a search for beneficial answers. 2:43 AM Mar 29th via Echofon
- RT philosophytweet Always recognize that human individuals are ends, and do not use them as means to your end. -Kant 7:39 PM Mar 23rd via web Retweeted by you and 17 others
- there's only one sort of human on earth. why is that so difficult? how many do you think there are ? 12:18 AM Feb 26th via Echofon
- RT @Revkin Poverty, not scarcity, driving rise in proportion of humans who are hungry (>1 billion now) #poverty #development #eco 7:49 PM Feb 20th via web Retweeted by you and 8 others
- whoever pays? whoever profits! RT @dotearth: When Coal Flows Between Countries, Who 'Owns' the CO2? 12:28 AM Feb 10th via Echofon
- RT @DeanLetfus The important thing is not to stop questioning. 9:32 AM Feb 4th via web Retweeted by you and 1 other
- "to develop alternatives to existing policies, to keep them...available until the politically impossible becomes...inevitable." M.Friedman 10:02 AM Feb 4th via Echofon
- @stevebomford keeping something running and being able to rebuild after a crash: both important. still, avoid the crash when possible. 11:31 PM Feb 2nd via Echofon in reply to stevebomford
- @stevebomford thanks for the link. Curious choice of examples, especially the surgeon. nice, but why reduce 'sustainable'? 11:28 PM Feb 2nd via Echofon in reply to stevebomford
- Resilience for what's beyond control & sustainability for what's within.RT @stevebomford: Forget sustainability - it's all about resilience! 12:10 AM Feb 2nd via Echofon
- no meat, less travel, smaller appartment. way to go to slow climate disruption. RT @mikeanissimov: 11:30 AM Jan 30th via Echofon
- Can't know if we're right. Can try to be useful, though. RT @DeanLetfus: It is much easier to be critical than correct. 11:23 AM Jan 30th via Echofon
- Avner de-Shalit: Why Posterity Matters. Routledge, 1995 11:15 AM Jan 30th via Echofon
- RT @DeanLetfus "When you're finished changing, you're finished" 6:40 AM Jan 24th via web Retweeted by you
- RT @Cervido directory of online articles in philosophy 6:18 PM Jan 21st via web Retweeted by you
- RT @philosophytweet The human being is not the lord of beings, but the shepherd of Being.- Heidegger 1:16 AM Jan 23rd via web Retweeted by you and 6 others
- @HDSolarguy @NickKristof Standard of living = power supply. Some say > 2000 kWh per capita per yr is the tipping point. 11:52 PM Jan 22nd via web in reply to NickKristof Retweeted by you
- RT @HDSolarguy @NickKristof Standard of living = power supply. Some say > 2000 kWh per capita per yr is the tipping point. 11:52 PM Jan 22nd
- Intergenerational justice. Tim Mulgan: Future People - a moderate consequentialist account of our obligations to future generations. 2006 12:41 AM Jan 23rd
- Competition for zero emission C2C floating home designs. Go Amsterdam! 12:32 AM Jan 23rd
- Sometimes a few letters more would make things easier: milliongenerations' tweets were just renamed, from MGenerations to millionGs. 12:14 AM Jan 23rd
- Many seem comfortable with the idea of extinction of the human species. Fewer desire it for their own lifetime, though. 11:57 PM Jan 18th
- what will remain for our children if we just strive for a bigger house and a faster car? 10:57 PM Jan 10th from Echofon
- All future humans will be shared descendants. There's only one type of human being on earth. 11:08 AM Jan 4th from Echofon
- Future? That's for people with kids. Why should I worry about it? (thanks to Boudewijn) 7:52 AM Jan 3rd from Echofon
- the issue attention cycle RT @dotearth: The Greatest Story Rarely Told 7:05 AM Jan 3rd from Echofon
- Existence is a useful proxy for future wellbeing, happiness, thrivability, flourishing etc... Required & no discussion. 10:54 AM Jan 2nd from Echofon
- RT @whylife: Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.- Mark Twain 10:43 AM Jan 2nd from Echofon
- Imagine that civilization in some form or other will continue on this planet for as long as the sun shines. 11:53 PM Jan 1st from web
- inspiring call by Rob Hopkins at TED via @davidhodgson, and on resilience via @stephen_hinton 10:46 PM Jan 1st from Echofon
- RT @ShannonMayers “Be a good ancestor. Stand for something bigger than yourself. Add value to the Earth during your sojourn.” -Marian Wright Edelman 9:49 PM Jan 1st from Echofon
- Goodbye Holocene, here's Anthropocene. What if it lasted? RT @revkin:... More on humanity's planet: 9:27 PM Jan 1st from Echofon
- The way forward to peace and prosperity is reason and thoughtful dialog: - RT @jimmy_wales 11:43 PM Dec 30th, 2009 from Echofon
- How the focus on continued existence can benefit utilitarianism 2:41 AM Dec 29th, 2009 from web
- Honor our children's children. The rest follows. RT @davidhodgson: "Honor the sacred. Honor the Earth, our Mother.Honor the Elders... 6:38 PM Dec 27th, 2009 from Echofon
- $10,000 for the most beneficial answer to "How can there be most happiness?" How to organize that? 9:51 PM Dec 3rd, 2009 from web
- RT @yokoono: Life keeps getting better. If anything, you start to carry a certain pride in having survived all those years. 1:07 AM Nov 23rd, 2009 from Echofon
- for society the two are identical: RT @ingerleg: It is not living that matters, but living rightly. Socrates 12:14 AM Nov 22nd, 2009 from Echofon
- RT @realaphex: Wovon lebt der Mensch? ...Erst kommt das Fressen, dann kommt die Moral! 12:07 AM Nov 22nd, 2009 from Echofon
- RT @ingerleg: The need to be right all the time is the biggest bar to new ideas. Edward de Bono 12:15 AM Nov 21st, 2009 from Echofon
- Hear @strateeg on the future of waste Thursday at the Club of Amsterdam 3:03 AM Nov 18th, 2009 from web
- RT @virtueelp Een publieke dialoog georganiseerd door de Club of Amsterdam op 19 november over de Future of Waste - 12:22 PM Nov 11th, 2009 from TwitterBar Retweeted by you and 1 other
- How can there be most happiness? 2:54 AM Nov 18th, 2009 from web
- how many ancestors do you have in his generation? RT @josecamoessilva: general attacking Masada was Flavius Silva. An early ancestor, maybe? 12:36 AM Nov 14th, 2009 from Echofon
- who will pay for our debt? 11:48 PM Nov 6th, 2009 from Echofon
- RT @EmergentCulture "The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children." — Dietrich Bonhoeffer 6:02 PM Nov 4th, 2009 from Echofon
- Just another useful term on the way to meaninglessness? RT @postcarbon: Why is RESILIENT more powerful than SUSTAINABLE? 10:44 AM Oct 31st, 2009 from Echofon
- How can there be most happiness? - 3:03 PM Oct 29th from Echofon
- as knowledge grows, collecting energy from renewable sources becomes cheaper. let's learn quickly. - 3:08 PM Oct 28th from Echofon
- What rights must we grant to those who can live in the future? Contribute to a bill of rights of future generations: - 5:28 PM Oct 14th from web
- an idea that will become mainstream RT @steadystater: The rights of future generations: - 10:20 PM Oct 12th from Echofon
- "The end is nigh" they say, and we consume what we can get. What if we truly believed "The end is far"? - 9:30 PM Oct 12th from Echofon
- RT @DeanLetfus: We drive into the future using only our rear view mirror - 10:47 AM Oct 11th from Echofon
- Interesting discussion on the future of civilization. Liberal Democracy 2.0. Go George Monbiot! Via @steadystater - 9:23 AM Oct 9th from web
- Quick reductions of population came with loss of knowledge in the past. Might therefore be irreversible in the future. - 5:37 PM Oct 7th from web
- Give a hungry man a fish? Assume that in a very long time there still is a man who can fish. The rest follows. - 5:30 PM Oct 7th from web
- Why we must assume that power from nuclear fusion will remain more expensive than solar: http://milliongenerations.o... - 5:24 PM Oct 7th from web
- @umamexico My pleasure. Best wishes for your good work, many useful thoughts that spread and help us be good ancestors. - 1:56 PM Oct 5th from Echofon in reply to umamexico
- Knowledge is useful. Life on earth seems possible for billions of years. How can sharing of knowledge continue for so long? - 2:14 PM Oct 4th from web
- @EricRWeinstein: Anti-Utopianism, sounds cool. What does it stand for? - 5:55 PM Oct 3rd from Echofon
- What goals are there for intellectual activity? (Beyond impressing others) - 4:43 AM Oct 2nd from Echofon
- Why so much bs about resilience vs sustainability? Resilience for what's beyond control. Sustainability for what's within. - 4:42 PM Oct 1st from Echofon
- Copenhagen: could they give the Olympics to the place that reduced its emissions most? What we really want changes what we do. - 4:26 PM Oct 1st from Echofon
- Number of children proportional to number of parents: easily solvable differential equation for population. - 3:03 PM Sep 27th from Echofon
- Why is "overpopulation" so often cited as a cause of problems? Population is what we want to keep. Over depends on how we go about things. - 3:00 PM Sep 27th from Echofon
- RT @Hansro: Length of life in Indonesia 2007 = Length of Life in Netherlands 1950, Family size Indo 2007 = NL 1970 - 7:19 AM Sep 27th from Echofon
- RT @Spaceweaver: Survival of the Kindest - 7:17 AM Sep 27th from Echofon
- RT @EndOvershoot: Avoiding 10 miles of driving every week eliminates about 500 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions a year! - 7:13 AM Sep 27th from Echofon
- Go to new earths when this one is up? Think again, please. - 3:47 PM Sep 26th from Echofon
- "is this what we are going to give to our future generations?" RT @lonniehodge: ... - 3:17 PM Sep 26th from Echofon
- RT @davidhodgson: paul ehrlich: Even the most educated can’t possibly store more than a tiny part of the group’s culture - 3:46 PM Sep 24th from Echofon
- RT @energyandcapita: Alternative Energy Growth : Renewables Sail Past Nuclear - - 3:35 PM Sep 24th from Echofon
- RT @redutten: And old African proverb says "If you want to preserve knowledge and enable it to travel through time, entrust it to children". - 3:16 PM Sep 24th from Echofon
- Energy to reach speeds for interstellar travel will cost >$10bn/person. Better find ways to survive on earth longer. - 2:08 PM Sep 23rd from Echofon
- What ways exist to spend money without causing consumption of any resource? - 9:07 AM Sep 22nd from Echofon
- "You can't build a peaceful world on empty stomachs" - Norman Borlaug (1914-2009) - 1:46 PM Sep 20th from web
- The conditions that allow continued sharing of information provide useful insights for lasting civilizations. - 6:50 AM Sep 14th from Echofon
- A phone call for you. A descendant of yours living in the far future. Saying thank you. What for? - 2:56 PM Sep 12th from Echofon
- @paulthoran thank you for the lemonade yesterday, the peppers, lemons and wonderful ideas. - 2:46 PM Sep 12th from Echofon
- Any suggestions for honest & useful programs to offset fossil fuel consumption? - 2:40 PM Sep 12th from Echofon
- Any suggestions for honest and useful programs to offset greenhouse gas emissions? - 2:39 PM Sep 12th from Echofon
- Future generations have a right to existence. How can we be good ancestors? - 3:45 PM Sep 10th from web
- Fermi's paradox notwithstanding, intelligence ought to be able to find ways to continue while life is possible. - 3:43 PM Sep 10th from web
- "...campaigning groups for the environment or anything else are in the marketplace." (thx @davidhodgson for link) - 2:46 PM Aug 29th from Echofon
- RT @thinkintuit: Believing either catastrophe or positive transformation is inevitable leads to inaction. choose engaged, conscious optimism - 2:27 PM Aug 29th from Echofon
- RT @outofthejar: "Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men's blood...Make big plans, aim high in hope and work." -Daniel Burnham - 3:46 PM Aug 28th from Echofon
- How many individuals could there be? - 8:55 AM Aug 28th from web
- @sdm81838890 Carrying capacity depends on how we go about it. Might be more useful to ask how to have the most individuals in long run. - 8:54 AM Aug 28th from web in reply to sdm81838890
- RT @EricRWeinstein: Speaking "truth to power" is not interesting. Listening to power speaking to truth is utterly fascinating. - 8:42 AM Aug 28th from Echofon
- Discuss vision and values: - 1:17 PM Aug 26th from Echofon
- Useful vision?: "milliongenerations expects that intelligence can find ways to continue while life is possible (and humans ... can, too)" - 1:15 PM Aug 26th from Echofon
- @PursueSustain John R. Ehrenfeld defines #sustainability as the possibility that humans and other life will flourish on Earth forever. - 11:54 AM Aug 22nd from web
- A practice is #sustainable if it can be continued indefinitely within a system. http://milliongenerations.o... - 11:42 AM Aug 22nd from web
- @PursueSustain #Sustainability was when our common descendants still exist on earth after millions of generations - 11:40 AM Aug 22nd from web
- @PursueSustain A practice is #sustainable if we could do it here on earth for five billion years (barring events beyond our control). - 11:39 AM Aug 22nd from web
- @PursueSustain #Sustainability is being able to continue all practices indefinitely (whereas resilience is surviving events beyond control) - 11:38 AM Aug 22nd from web
- RT @PursueSustain: Let's make today Sustainability Saturday! How would you define #sustainability in 140 characters or less? - 11:14 AM Aug 22nd from Echofon
- Can intelligence find ways to continue while life is possible? How can humans and their descendants be part of that? - 4:23 AM Aug 22nd from web
- RT @millionGx The phone rings, one who lives a million generations in the future calls you. What will you ask this person? - 3:27 AM Aug 22nd from web
- RT @larrybrilliant: BusWeek says it is smart to be optimistic, smallpox eradication reason to feel good about the future - 10:48 PM Aug 18th from Echofon
- Moving: met aquaintance from 1994 work with MSF in refugee camp yesterday. Refugee to businessman! Wonderful. - 2:58 PM Aug 17th from Echofon
- Ways for intelligence to grow while life is possible do not necessarily include humans. But we should try. - 8:38 AM Aug 15th from web
- RT @davidhodgson: Is all that you know all that you need to know? - 11:26 PM Aug 7th from Echofon
- Why do many enjoy the thought that life/nature and intelligence/civilization have no common future? Pessimism: luxury we can't afford! - 11:24 PM Aug 7th from Echofon
- Why should it be foolish to assume civilization can continue on earth? Really continue. Life probably continues for billions of years. - 4:14 PM Aug 5th from Echofon
- Strange to be alive, wonderful. My existence lets me hope that others will continue to share the experience. - 12:19 PM Aug 4th from Echofon
- When I get a phonecall from someone living on this planet in a million years, what will I ask? - 3:24 PM Aug 3rd from Echofon
- Wouldn't be if all those before me hadn't been the way they were. Can't thank them any more. Can pay it forward! - 2:13 AM Aug 2nd from Echofon
- @TheOilDrum: civil, evidence-based discussions about energy and its impact on our future # FollowFriday #FF - 1:05 AM Jul 31st from web
- Mining the asteroids or returning to subsistence agriculture? Entropy & the universal mining machine - 12:45 PM Jul 30th from web
- meet for milliongenerations tomorrow 17:00 - 12:12 PM Jul 30th from web
- Existence of civilization while life is possible. Millions of generations with individuals realizing life is wonderful. - 3:53 PM Jul 28th from Echofon
- Happiness is complicated. Existence. Precondition to happiness. - 3:50 PM Jul 28th from Echofon
- How can there be most happiness? - 3:47 PM Jul 28th from Echofon
- That's who we work for. Or rather all their possible decendants. - 4:12 PM Jul 24th from Echofon
- What purposes does civilzation serve? What is its goal? - 5:50 AM Jul 24th from Echofon
- RT @evangineer: What is Question Box? Launched in #uganda - ... project backed by @GrameenAppLab & Foundation - 2:47 PM Jul 23rd from Echofon
- RT @strateeg: Lijstje van C2C producten die specifiek voor 'gewone' consumenten ... zijn gemaakt: 2:41 PM Jul 23rd from Echofon
- RT @millionGx: Something to be truly proud of: - 2:22 PM Jul 23rd from Echofon
- How long before aluminium becomes illegal? - 1:00 PM Jul 17th from Echofon
- RT @davidhodgson: every idea is the answer to a question: always make sure you know the question you are trying to answer... - 12:54 PM Jul 17th from Echofon
- Life in some form will most likely be on earth for as long as the sun continues to provide the right conditions. - 3:53 AM Jul 17th from Echofon
- Cradle to cradle is great. How would technical cycles remain closed? Might be easier to only use natural cycles. #C2C - 2:27 PM Jul 16th from Echofon
- RT @strateeg:wil graag in contact komen met mensen (overheid, ondernemers, studenten) in Overijssel die bezig zijn/gaan met Cradle to Cradle - 3:37 AM Jul 16th from Echofon
- Discounting future assets is standard. Should the value of future life be discounted? Is so, how? - 3:20 AM Jul 16th from Echofon
- Who is happier: one who lives 200 years or two who live to 100? - 2:41 PM Jul 15th from Echofon
- What is the greatest ambition? - 11:58 AM Jul 15th from Echofon
- In a billion years there still is life on earth. Conscious knowledge, too? - 3:24 PM Jul 10th from web
- Nobility? Everyone stems from Charlemagne, at least in Europe. There's only one type of human on earth! - 3:13 PM Jul 10th from web
- How long till races vanish? Someone alive in 300 yrs has more than 1,000 ancestors alive today. People move! - 3:22 PM Jul 6th from Echofon
- One day it'll be illegal to use substances unless we know that 100% will be recovered for use by our children - 8:52 PM Jun 28th from Echofon
- RT @sheriherndon: In terms of design principles for change, understanding the natural laws that govern all networks, is a good starting pnt - 5:23 PM Jun 26th from Echofon
- Michael Jackson: how would you have lived had you had his genes and experiences? - 10:18 AM Jun 26th from Echofon
- Let's help to create conditions for knowledge to be passed on while life is possible. - 6:39 AM Jun 26th from web
- July 31: meeting for milliongenerations - 6:36 AM Jun 26th from web
- Assuming there still is at least one civilization on this planet in a billion years, what has been the average population growth? - 11:32 AM Jun 25th from Echofon
- finally has a customized navigation bar: - 4:13 PM Jun 24th from web
- By changing the perception of status. Hollywood to the rescue! RT @davidhodgson: how do we tweak our system to incent the doing of good? - 2:12 PM Jun 24th from web
- Assuming there still is a civilization a million generations from now, how much can each generation consume? - 3:40 PM Jun 23rd from Echofon
- RT @TheOilDrum: * How Will Knowledge of Collapse Impact Collapse?: ... - 7:51 PM Jun 21st from Echofon
- RT @yokoono: Imagine a peaceful world: that's something we can all do, even when we have different opinions about how to get there. - 7:40 PM Jun 21st from Echofon
- Ideal society? If civilization evolves long enough it might be found. - 7:06 PM Jun 21st from Echofon
- Can knowledge increase forever? - 6:25 PM Jun 21st from Echofon
- Holland Tsunami, brilliant challenge to perceptions of cultural identity: #Oerol - 5:17 AM Jun 21st from Echofon
- RT @yokoono: Let's carry the clearest vision of a peaceful world. - 4:21 AM Jun 21st from Echofon
- RT @davidhodgson: rt @odemagazine: How can we create a more compassionate world? - 4:01 AM Jun 21st from Echofon
- If kids exist, they'll be glad. RT @FullySustainabl: ... 500m yrs to make the Oil we're burning in 200 years - our kids will be Mad at us! - 1:02 AM Jun 20th from Echofon
- If everyone acted like me, would civilization be able to continue? Not with probable developments. Need better ideas! - 2:19 AM Jun 19th from Echofon
- Less is green. E.g., a smaller house. For everything that entails consumption. Which still is almost everything. - 3:11 PM Jun 17th from Echofon
- Who wants to build and #opensource environment for a focused and collaborative online discussion? - 3:02 PM Jun 16th from Echofon
- There is only one type of human on earth. - 10:20 PM Jun 14th from Echofon
- Will civilization inevitably last while life is possible? If that is not certain, what follows if one assumes civilization stays for good? - 1:28 PM Jun 14th from web
- RT @TheOilDrum: * Right Sizing the Economy: Can Herman Daly's Prescription ... accomplish this Task?: Th.. - 3:48 PM Jun 13th from Echofon
- RT @davidhodgson: how do we tweak our system to incent the doing of good? - 3:26 PM Jun 13th from Echofon
- Why milliongenerations must end: - 11:23 AM Jun 12th from web
- How best to create an #opensource platform for a focused #discussion with a #prize awarded by the contributors themselves? - 3:58 PM Jun 11th from Echofon
- Formalized foundation, finally. Let's get going!- 5:53 AM Jun 11th from Echofon
- RT @millionGx: Consumption can't survive. - 3:39 PM Jun 10th from Echofon
- Identifying conditions required for civilizations to continue for as long as life is possible. - 1:37 PM Jun 10th from web
- If destruction remains easier than preventing it, how can we survive progress? - 2:04 PM Jun 9th from Echofon
- What would I do, if I had her genes and experiences? - 12:01 PM Jun 8th from Echofon
- RT @millionGx: Let's keep civilization while life is possible! - 8:43 AM Jun 8th from Echofon
- How starting with "meeting the needs of the present..." prevents sustainability: http://milliongenerations.o... - 7:34 AM Jun 8th from web
- Inspiring! RT @designersaccord: Just read Paul Hawken's 2009 commencement address at University of Portland: - 11:10 PM Jun 7th from Echofon
- Thought provoking & daring! RT @TheOilDrum: * Herman Daly: From a Failed Growth Economy to a Steady-State Economy - 10:59 PM Jun 7th from Echofon
- Change in perceived status brought down birth rates. Now consumption! - 2:58 PM Jun 5th from Echofon
- How many individuals could there be? - 2:49 PM Jun 3rd from web
- A start for a Dutch version was made. Nederlandse versie: http://milliongenerations.o... - 2:37 PM Jun 3rd from web
- Picking cherries. Life IS wonderful. Thank you. - 8:36 AM May 30th from Echofon
- Good meeting today! Hope future generations benefit. - 11:55 AM May 29th from web
- RT @NurtureGirl: "Don't fight forces, use them." R. Buckminster Fuller - 1:40 PM May 25th from Echofon
- RT @TheOilDrum: * Report Review: Prosperity without Growth: This is a guest post by Luís Queirós... - 5:38 AM May 23rd from Echofon
- Ray Anderson's Mission Zero! Check it out (@missionzero) - 4:34 AM May 21st from web
- Impressed by Ray Anderson's talk at TED 2009 - 4:30 AM May 21st from web
- Status is still linked to and expressed by consumption of resources. How to change that? http://milliongenerations.o... - 3:06 AM May 19th from web
- Imagine there still are intelligent beings on this planet in a billion years... - 4:01 AM May 14th from web
- What is necessary for #civilization? Can the definition be reduced to the sharing of information? - 3:43 AM May 12th from Echofon
- RT @appropedia:"the most likely way to reach a goal is to be aiming not at that goal itself but at some more ambitious goal beyond it."Toynb - 2:38 PM May 6th from Echofon
- RT @TheOilDrum: "Minerals scarcity: A call for managed austerity and the elements of hope" (resource depletion) - 12:55 PM May 4th from Echofon
- Going by bike today. - 6:35 AM May 3rd from web
- New car today. 2x mileage, 57mpg on paper. Next car should double again etc. Less bad, not good. Buy time to find solution. Like it too much - 2:11 PM May 1st from Echofon
- Want your fuel, not your word. RT @Algaeventure: Trying to network more people and get the word out that the energy crisis has been solved!! - 10:04 PM Apr 30th from Echofon
- Save the earth? The earth will stay. RT the only way to save the earth to get rid of the humans? - 2:14 AM Apr 30th from Echofon
- How strangely wonderful to be aware - 6:28 AM Apr 29th from Echofon
- What if civilization on earth continues? Where will the waste go to? - 2:50 PM Apr 28th from Echofon
- RT @davidhodgson: Negative thinking is a luxury we can't afford. (via @yokoono) - 9:08 AM Apr 28th from Echofon
- RT @davidhodgson: How can we get topics like climate change & peak oil into full public view? - (via @wutsnu) - 5:02 AM Apr 28th from Echofon
- Our longing for status helped us reproduce. Will it keep us from finding ways to continue? - 3:00 AM Apr 25th from Echofon
- @GlobalWarming12 "population" is what we'd like to keep, and "over" depends on how we go about things, so it is not a reason for gl.warming. - 12:34 PM Apr 24th from web in reply to GlobalWarming12
- @davidhodgson: sustainable, thrivable, ok. Continued existence of civilization is what matters. The rest follows. To be, or not to be... - 11:54 AM Apr 24th from Echofon
- Returning from impressive speech by Michael Braungart. Calm and convincing. C2C! - 9:08 AM Apr 22nd from Echofon
- No one there to prosecute rapist drakes... Civilization might not be such a bad idea. - 5:03 AM Apr 22nd from Echofon
- Ducks in the canal. Noisy. Several males pursuing a mother duck. She abandons her ducklings to escape being raped. - 5:00 AM Apr 22nd from Echofon
- @noxhanti compromise? Need both: e.g., resilience to survive climate change & sustainable practices that don't cause it. - 10:53 PM Apr 20th from Echofon in reply to noxhanti
- @seankershaw Resilient is for events beyond control, sustainable for practices we control. Need both! - 4:28 PM Apr 20th from Echofon in reply to seankershaw
- @noxhanti: RT @corezion Sustainability need not be static. Resilience accepts that change is inevitable. But must not excuse inactivity! - 4:15 PM Apr 20th from Echofon
- Resilience is about events beyond control, sustainability about practices we can control. Must not use resilience to justify inactivity! - 3:53 PM Apr 20th from Echofon
- I hate to have to block spammers, it's so hierarchical. Hope with the prize & competition we can let the spam just sink to oblivion. - 12:08 AM Apr 20th from Echofon
- Life is wonderful. - 12:58 PM Apr 19th from Echofon
- Can civilization remain as long as there is life on earth? - 12:09 PM Apr 19th from web
- Expect life to continue on earth while the sun provides a suitable environment. A biosphere for billions of years! - 12:08 PM Apr 19th from web
- Save the earth? The earth will stay. -12:09 AM Apr 19th from Echofon
- A grey huron (reiger) just flew in over the canal. Bad news for all the cute ducklings. Nature's beautiful. And certainly brutal. - 12:02 AM Apr 19th from Echofon
- believes knowledge can be passed on while the sun shines, and civilization can remain - 8:47 AM Apr 18th from web
- asking how there can be most happiness - 8:42 AM Apr 18th from web